Lubricant Oils · Electrical Insulating Oils

Electrical Insulating Oils

Product name Application Appearance Main component Kinematic viscosity
(mm2/s 100℃)
Kinematic viscosity
(mm2/s 40℃)
Flow point Features
PASTELL NEO Electrical insulating oils Colorless to pale yellow liquid Fatty acid alkyl esters 1.8 5.1 -30℃ or lower Made from palm oil and highly biodegradable
Low viscosity compared to mineral oil
Excellent insulation properties

Lubricant Oils

Product name Application Appearance Main component Kinematic viscosity
(mm2/s 100℃)
Kinematic viscosity
(mm2/s 40℃)
Flow point Features
Water-soluble hydraulic fluids
Water-soluble cutting oils
Water-soluble quenching oil
Liquid Polyalkylene glycol 45 to 65 (98.9℃)   -50℃ or lower Desired viscosity can be freely selected
Excellent viscosity-temperature characteristics
Stable non-volatile polymer without sludge generation
Raw materials for various processes Liquid Fatty acid monoesters 0.44 to 1.81 0.84 to 4.86   High lubricity